
Call of duty ump45
Call of duty ump45

call of duty ump45

Transform the Uzi into a Mobility powerhouse by using the attachments above. Removing the stock greatly increases movement. The ultimate run and gun modification when agility is more important than precision. High power 5mW Tactical Green laser greatly improves accuracy while aiming down sights. Improves performance in close quarters encounters.

call of duty ump45

Short, compact barrel sacrifices accuracy and range for speed and agility. ▲Back To Table Of Contents Uzi - Modern Warfare Best Loadout & Attachment Setup Run & Gun Unlock this magazine first as it significantly increases the firepower of this humble SMG. The base ammunition for the Uzi can be replaced with the more damaging and powerful.

call of duty ump45

With this however, you can shoot even distant targets without any worries.41 AE 32-Round Mags Is A Must The open battlefields of Verdansk can be troublesome if you're using an SMG. Although accuracy is an issue with SMGs, with this setup you can easily aim down sights possibly netting you more kills. This attachment setup highlights the Uzi's fairly decent ADS by boosting it further. Stippled pistol grip tape maintains control performing high speed maneuvers. Gets you on target faster.Ĭonversion kit to use 32-round magazines of higher caliber.41 AE ammunition for increased range and stopping power. Tactical stock streamlined for close quarters combat. Additional weight stabilizes shots, but affects mobility. Heavy duty stainless steel polygonal rifled barrel greatly increases muzzle velocity and extends range to the max. Redirects gasses outward to stabilize the weapon for better control of sustained fire.

Call of duty ump45