
Fallout 4 project valkyrie
Fallout 4 project valkyrie

This mod fixes that by allowing some of the side characters to become main characters. There are some fans who feel like there were some extremely well-developed characters in Fallout 4 who were underutilized. Lesser used areas in Fallout 4 get additions in Project Valkyrie, in order to make them feel more interesting and unique in the original story. In addition to large-scale quests, some sections of the map have been improved on this mod. Both the scope of the quests and the variety allow the mod to blend into the game seamlessly, almost as if it was a natural feature. There are not only story quests, but many smaller ‘fetch’ quests. While many mods are located in one location, these quests take players all over the Fallout 4 map. Since some of the choices in this mod are completely rewritten from the original game, in order to keep a cohesive story, there are 20 completely new quests available through. For example: While the original Fallout 4 implies that the Sole Survivor may have taken over the Institute after the story ends, Project Valkyrie allows the player to actually act upon the Institute and direct it down the path they see fit. Unlike in the un-modded game, players in this mod are able to bring all of the factions together in a peaceful way to bring order to the Commonwealth. However, what can be particularly emphasized is the opportunity to become the director of the Institute, as well as to challenge the elder of the Brotherhood for control of the faction.Īnother important thing to do – the mod includes four fully voiced companions.For starters, Project Valkyrie allows players to complete the game in entirely new ways. In the description of the mod, you can find a list of alternative endings, but keep in mind that this can proppoyle its passage.

fallout 4 project valkyrie fallout 4 project valkyrie

Just take a look at the trailer:ĭo you want to imprison Preston and execute Desdemona, while at the same time arranging peace between the Institute and the Brotherhood? Or kill everyone? And can arrange harmony between all factions? Or is there something in between? Now you can do it. Mod is already available on Nexus Mods and is a kind of complement to others fan projects like Fusion City Rising and Outcasts & Remnants. The massive modification of Fallout 4 Project Valkyrie not only adds 20 new quests, several dunks, bunkers and places for building bases, but also allows you to change the standard endings.

Fallout 4 project valkyrie